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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Preschool started

E started preschool today. We have a parent taught co-op, which is my favorite model of education . I would so be into a Thomas Jeffersonian Mom School for my kids, but I digress. We have five little boys, age four in our school. One was on vacation today.
I got to teach first and our theme this week was ponds.
We read books about life in a pond. Sang the Beaver song (to the tune of the wheels on the bus)
vs. 1 the beavers teeth go crunch crunch crunch
vs. 2 the trees in the forest go crack and crash
vs.3 the beavers with their logs go pull and drag.
ect. ..when the beavers build their dam. Then we painted ponds on paper plates and used craft sticks and lots of glue to make dams.

The boys loved the song and the motions and we sang it a couple times. We also had snacks and played outside, read more books, had a phonics lessons and did calendar/prayer/pledge time. Not in that order.

It went well and I am excited for my turn on Thursday.


Mel said...

Yeah for E! I love preschool!

Mall Worker said...

That is such a good idea for preschool! I'm glad it went well!

Awesome Mom said...

Looks like fun!!!

Teresa said...

Too cute! Can I go back to preschool?

utmommy said...

You're such a cute mom. Glad preschool went well.