By the time Lou born though things were different. We are much busier.
Today was a perfect example of that. This was a day that no one but a sixth child would ever experience.

Lucy's day started early when she staggered down the hall and crawled into bed with her daddy and me. (something the three big girls would not have done~ but the littles do all the time). She slept a while with Daddy while I showered, then she got up to make the rounds and see who else was up and out. She checked J's room, "where J?" Then everyone else.
Finally after doing her head count, and I was dressed and brother and DH were done in the bathroom, she and H hopped in the shower. Company in the shower is something you don't get unless you have a big family.
We helped the girls find gymnastics shirts, math papers, etc then drove E to school. After we got back home Lucy and H ate then we gathered stuff again and went to TAFA. While H had violin Lucy
When TAFA was finally done we went and got lunch, went to Wal mart, picked up Brother and came home.
The kids had Popsicles outside while I cleaned up and started dinner. E and H came inside. After a few minutes (maybe 10) I realized that I hadn't seen Lou so I called for her. No answer. I opened the door and called "Lucy where are you?" then I heard a little voice call back "Swing". What? I went out and there she was, sitting in the swing, waiting for someone to come back for her. Poor thing, I felt bad for her being abandoned although she didn't seem to mind, so I pushed her for a few minutes then got her out to come inside. Guess what she was more upset about. Being left outside in the swing alone? or having to get out of the swing and come inside?
The latter.
Not too long later in the evening Grandma came over for dinner/FHE. Lucy ran to the door to say hi, Millie followed and smashed into her somehow resulting in L hitting her head on the door. She cried and it looked like she was going to get a bump. Sadly we are out of ice, permanently. Our ice maker is broken:( and although I am hoping this old fridge will not move with us to MD I am also hoping it will last until we choose to replace it and don't have to in an emergency situation. So we offered her a bag of vegetables to put on it, she declined and requested a waffle instead. J got her one and Grandma and I laughed our heads off at her. She looked so pathetic it was funny. She kept it on for awhile and then got bored and ate the waffle.
The rest of the day was uneventful. She ate dinner, washed up, sang songs for FHE, went fishing during Grandma's cute Jonah and the whale lesson, had a treat and went to bed.
Things are not as kid centered, at least not baby centered. Lucy goes to soccer games, HS football games, big restaurants, shopping trips to the mall, big kids lessons, mutual night, orthodontist appointments, etc. She watches Hannah Montana, Gilmore girls and Ace of Cakes and listens to big girl music. She also always has someone to play with, someone to look up to, and someone in her family to watch her when mom can't. She's never bored and although she's sometimes cranky because we can't fit in enough sleep I think for the most part the pluses way outweigh the cons. I just have to stop to laugh every now and then when I compare.
I love the waffle on her head! It's true... a very different life for the caboose. I've seen it again and again and like you said there are pros and cons to both. I'm thinking she is a very lucky little girl to have big sisters and big brother there for her.
Lucy IS a very lucky girl. No matter what kind of life she has, kid centered or not, as long as she has you as a mother she is set!!
She makes a great #6. So easy going and sweet. And pretty cute too... love the waffle, haylee likes chocolate (frozen choco chips). She is a lucky little one to be the last... she always has something to do and someone to play with!
How we miss your family, especially H and E! It is great to 'hear' how you are doing... and did I read correctly that you are moving?
Your family is wonderful and we are grateful to count you as friends.
With tons of love from our little 'Bunch'.
LOL and I haven't in awhile I love the waffle head you are so funny!!
Thanks for the reminder. I forget how different the caboose is from the engine. I am struggling with the engine in college and the caboose in 1st grade now. I'm getting OLD.
Lucy is our Livie. All so true!!
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