I can't believe I have made a 100 posts. I started out doing this for posterity. I keep meaning to journal and haven't been great at it but this is a fun and easy way to do it.
Then it became a great way to let family, far-flung around the country, keep up with our daily lives.
Then it became fun and relaxing, a hobby of sorts. And I've made virtual friends. So I guess it's good for everyone.
So for my 100th post here are 100 random thoughts. In no particular order.
- Tonight we had talapia and potatoes w/onions and green beans for dinner. The above picture is "cool S" cutting onions for the potatoes.
- One day I want to go to Senegal.
- DH does not.
- I love dessert, love to make it, love to eat it.
- My favorite pajamas are blue and white striped, pants and a button down shorts.
- I am hair-impaired.
- I love Star Trek.
- When I was little I wanted to be Mr. Spock.
- But I wanted to marry Capt. Kirk.
- My favorite captain is Jonathan Archer
- My upstairs bathroom is decorated in frogs.
- Tonight DH and his mini me caught a toad.
- It peed on the carpet. (sigh)
- I love digital photography.
- I hate going to the dentist.
- I almost always fall asleep when watching DVD's in the evening.
- I hate when school starts.
- If I was a better mother I'd homeschool.
- Christmas is my favorite holiday (even though it's cliche to say that).
- I also love the 4th of July.
- I'd love to be a mid-wife.
- I've never given birth at home.
- But I would have if it didn't cost so much, and if DH was braver about it.
- When I was a girl I wanted to grow up to be a nurse.
- I changed my mind when I had cancer and spent time in the hospital.
- I think it was post traumatic stress, and not really a change of heart.
- Instead I became a teacher.
- I don't always do the thing I think is best, or want the most. I'm much too sensible for that.
- I want to be a runner.
- I hate to run.
- Mostly I'd like to look like a runner. A runner/vegetarian.
- I love to go to the beach, and to have a pool, but I don't like to get my face wet.
- I love to read.
- When I was a girl my best friend and I walked to the library every week, and walked home with a stack of books.
- It was a long walk.
- It was worth it.
- Yes, I was a nerd.
- Today Great Grandpa Tom sent a box with some new books!
- We were all so excited.
- I can't wear watches, they always stop.
- I've studied languages I don't speak and instruments I don't play.
- That's the second time today I said that.
- I love to make breakfast.
- Black beans are my favorite bean.
- My sister Anna had the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to.
- I've never had a massage.
- But someday I plan to.
- When someone gets pregnant or has a new little nursling I get a little wistful, not really jealous because I don't want another baby, but there is something so sweet and endearing about babies.
- I never wanted a son.
- But now that I have one I love it. And I adore him!
- I am even excited for scouts.
- I love Josh Groban.
- If I were really rich I'd fly to one of his concert.
- And stay in a nice hotel.
- Next summer we're going to Disney World and I am SOOOO excited.
- I love the smell of clean laundry.
- I love new sheets, freshly laundered. Put on the bed, cool and wrinkle and crumb free.
- I used to be shy.
- Then I decided not to be.
- I still am private, but friendly I think.
- People tell me things.
- I guess I have one of those faces.
- I try really hard to keep their confidences.
- I miss D.
- I am happy for her.
- She's doing what I wanted to do.
- My biggest regret is not serving a mission in my youth.
- I missed out on "one of the greatest blessing of my life", because of my poor choices.
- I was excited when I learned how to properly use too, to and two. And than and then.
- I am a horrible speller.
- Spell checker has helped me become better.
- I like smart people.
- I like well-read people.
- I think our gospel doctrine teacher is a good story teller and I enjoy his lessons very much.
- I would die if I was asked to do that.
- I need to be a better scriptorian.
- I love The Amazing Race, and Survivor.
- I hate to be cold.
- I love when the kids cuddle up in bed with us.
- I love teenagers. It's the most fun parenting stage.
- I'm not kidding.
- My favorite calling was in Young Women.
- My least favorite was Enrichment Leader.
- I took roller skating lessons when I was a kid.
- I like my kids to take lessons.
- I love Bath & Body works.
- My favorite "flavors" are pink grapefruit, pomegranate martini and coco-cabana.
- I love trees.
- I am running out of random thoughts.
- I don't think Snape is a death eater.
- I think Harry might die in the last book.
- The St Louis Zoo is my favorite one.
- I am afraid to fly.
- I know this doesn't make sense, but I am still nervous.
- I don't always sleep well.
- Tums help, sometimes.
- I love college.
- I don't do math very well.
- I used to be smarter but something happened to my brain.
- I can't wait to serve a mission some day.
Happy 100th Post!
Wow, you're a blogging maniac! Way to go! The 100 thoughts were awesome. I can tell your one of those "do it all" types. I am so impressed. You are sad when the kids go back to school? You must be the coolest mom ever. Thanks for sharing!
How fun! I thought about doing this, but I couldn't really keep track of my actual 100th post because I deleted stuff, didn't post stuff, whatever... I should've just gone with it because I'm well past 100 now.
I agree with you about blogging. It's all those things and MORE. ;) I need to copy all my posts and make sure they're saved forever for our family journal.
I have read a few of your posts now, Tori told me about your blog and I enjoy it. I have another blog but I like the navigation and traffic on this one so I think I may join it. I am always amazed at all we have in common yet how different we are. Maybe there is someting to Birthdates. I agree w/ all your HP thoughts,Teens,trees, sheets,black beans,college,D, runner, reading, smart people,watching DVD's,frogs, photography, and dessert!
Congratulations! 100 posts-that's great. Fun post. I think we would be friends in real life. :)
Harry so is not going to die!!! Stop saying that *glares*
I am a treckie too and I am a huge book worm. I spent most of my summers when school was out reading.
Congratulations on your 100th! That is fantastic!
I am a trekkie too, and I also think Harry is going to die.
Congratulations on your 100th post! I loved your random thoughts and learned a lot about you. I have to agree about Jonathon Archer, much better choice than Captain Kirk.
Congrats! I'm over 100 but I haven't been able to get a sane thought together. I may "lift" a few of your ideas. I'm enjoying my "almost" teens, too. Whod'a thunk?
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