A lot of it is wonderful. There are moments when you think a little privacy would be nice. Taking a shower with someone pressing their nose on the glass asking if they can come in, or if they can watch TV, or whatever. Eating your dinner with someone sitting on your lap grabbing your plate, or when they are a bit bigger needing help cutting their food, or needing another drink, or another fork because they have dropped theirs (again). Talking on the phone while being interrupted to be asked "who are you talking to?" or to be told "so and so took my ______". Sleeping with a little foot pressed in the small of your back, or little hand flopped across your face. These and many other kidturuptions are things I can live with and mostly don't mind. There is one place I'd like to go alone, pretty much as a rule.
The, ahem...library in our house. I don't want to see fingers under the door. I don't want to be told that Ord just did a really cool trick, I don't want to be asked where we keep the milk, I don't want to hear the "quiet" breathing of someone waiting for me to come out. However that day has not yet happened for me.
We have reached a new low, a blatant disregard for my request to give me a minute. G pulls a seat in and joins me. This little yellow chair now sits cheerfully by the tub waiting to be used. No matter how quietly I try to sneak in the library the little yellow sentinel must send out an alert only heard by the smallest of ears becauseI soon have company.
...and then she summons the rest!
Oh man, I hear ya! If you ever figure out a secret please let me know. The only time I can get a little quiet time at home is after the kids go to bed, but I'm usually too tired by then.
Absolutely... I know what you're talking about. I should have thought about the "sharing your space constantly" thing more before I had my oldest. But the togetherness is usually nice.
I guess I have to remember, childhood is such a short time. My mom was saying the other day, your kids live longer away from you than they live WITH you, so appreciate them...
Not to be preachy. Mom needs her time. But I think of that sometimes.
yep, it's way to fast! Thanks Millie :)
Rofl. Been there. She is a cutie, though!
Lol this post made me laugh. I have actually encouraged my toddler to join me in the bathroom in preperation for toilet training. He is not a very clingy kid and was more than happy to let me be in the bathroom alone. My baby however is not content to let me go into the bathroom on my own. I dread the thought of trying to get him to go to nursery.
Kidturuptions! LOL. I hear ya!
I did draw the line when i'd hear "Miss Marcia" or some other name not used by my own children and a neighbor child felt waaay too comfortable at our house that even they thought they could ask me a question while I was in the "library" It actually only happened once
So, true. But, little Missy is soo cute on that chair. How can you resist?
she is sexy I would love to see her nkd
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