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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, August 21, 2006

first day of school

Today is my least favorite day of the year. (A close second is the day I go to the dentist)

The first day of school. Although I loved going to school and loved the first day when I was a kid, I hate to send my kids off.

Despite our attempts to ignore it the day arrived anyway. We said good-bye to lazy mornings, staying up late, renting videos from Blockbuster and watching them, care free days spent in the pool, and being together all the time and started another year of homework, getting up early, after school activities, tests and grades and all.

H is in 2nd grade.

J in 8th, wow her last year of middle school.

S is a sophmore/junior. She has extra credit already and by next year will be a senior.


utmommy said...

What cute girls!!

Vety said...

They're all beautiful! My heart hurts for you because I know you must have had a blast with them this summer! Now what to fill the time with? :)
(I'm the nuts mom,, but Rants from a Bee is my blogger account, you know, the forgotten blog)

Gabriela said...

Tomorrow is our first day here and I have to tell you I am excited! Except for the getting up at 6:15 thing (we've been getting up at 9:00). My boys pick at eachother SO MUCH that I am looking forward to a little break.

Melessa Gregg said...

I thought I was the only mom who dreaded the first day of school and really enjoyed my summers with the kids. Mine went back today too.

The Amazing Trips said...

The other thing that comes to mind (for me) is that another year in school is one more year they are closer to graduating and moving out ... sob!!!

Thanks very much for the tip on backwards pj's. I tried it the other night w/ tremendous success. Now, I just have to figure out how to keep their clothes on them during the DAY.

Mel said...

Beautiful girls! I can't believe its time to start another school year! I guess the fun lazy days of summer are over for now. :(

Overwhelmed! said...

Thanks for your comment on my Older Parent (revealing my age) post.

I think it's so neat that you've had the experience of being the youngest mother with your first child and now you're experiencing the other side of the coin with your 19 month old. What a great perspective you offer! Thanks for sharing.

Oh, and your girls are beautiful! :) I'm not looking forward to the day when we send Snuggle Bug to school for the 1st time. I'm sure I'll cry.

Teresa said...

Your girls are beautiful.

Bye-bye summer! Where did it go?