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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, August 26, 2006


We went on our first geo-caching outing. It was very fun. Hot, but fun. Abba has a GPS system so we looked up some caches near us and spent the afternoon traipsing around looking for them. We tried 5 and actually found 3, which I thought was pretty good. It was a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed looking through the boxes and either signing their names or picking a prize. We also brought prizes to leave if we took one. We enjoyed walking around outside and looking for the hidden treasure!

I think we'll do it again. Next time I would have everyone wear tennis shoes, we had to walk through some stickery areas so that would have made it better. Also if we went again in the summer I might bring water. We ended up enjoying ourselves and trying to do "just one more" enough times that bringing along water would have been good.
One we didn't find was by a boat dock. We had fun walking up and down the dock and looking at the boats and ducks and spider webs. E liked that just as well as looking for a treasure box.
The kids usually like any outdoor activity we come up with.

Today J went to a party at the country club. Several girls from her school got together to throw a back to school luau. J wasn't going to go but Nana persuaded her that she would have a good time. She went with her friends Ciera and Sophia. Hopefully they are having a great time!


utmommy said...

I so want to do that!

Millie said...

How fun! I've been wanting to get into that too, as soon as we get a GPS. :) Glad you blogged about it!

The Amazing Trips said...

I would love to go geocaching - and will most definitely do it as our kids grow older! We have some good friends that go and it sounds SO cool.

It looks like you had a great time. What a great way to teach your kids about GPS, maps and adventure! :)

Awesome Mom said...

That looks like tons of fun and great exercise too.

Blackeyedsue said...

I just caught up on all of my reading. What a fun idea for your kids. It's like modern day pirates! Who doesn't love a treasure hunt!

LOVE the new shoes! I love anything pointy and fun! And shopping without rugrats makes it all the more wonderful! I love the piano being pushed down the street. Your Dh is a good sport.

I hope things settle down at your house and your rush hours slow down. I have a hard time concentrating on any one thing when I am that busy.

Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. She truly was part of the family. It is sad to what a hole she left.

Unknown said...

Welcome to geocaching!!!!!!!!

So much fun.
