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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mom, I'm Bored

I actually don't hear that much because I tell the kids a) really bright people are never bored; they find something to do. and b) I always have a list of chores handy for a whiny bored kid to occupy themselves with.

However I do have a boredom buster. When the kids are cranky or fighting or wanting to turn to the TV for entertainment little kits or crafts can come to the rescue.

I have a little stash of things to work on that I can pull out as needed. It's always welcome and fun.

You can buy things on clearance and save them. We are lucky because Nana sends stuff that is perfect for this.

Family Fun magazine always has lots of ideas and we have books like "1001 crafts for kids", and other such titles, that they can browse through and look for inspiration.

bean rattle made w/ an old water bottle

bead people


utmommy said...

Those were such fun rattles to make!

S'mee said...

This post makes me meloncholy! wah! When my 5 were at home we had a similar box. The original idea was "The Babysitter Kit" filled with all kinds of goodies, marbles, cut up straws, string, glue, stickers, Halloween carnival prize type 'junk'.

It was used to entertain and engross the offspring while the parental units were otherwise occupado. In the end my own kids used the box when they b-sat.

"Behave well and at the end of the evening you go home with a prize from the box!" It sure worked wonders.

Love your blog, the kiddles are darling!