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Sunday, August 13, 2006

"Sheltering is not a place, it's a relationship"

I love this post. As I raise my children I think a lot about what is best for them. I want them to be happy. I want them to know who they are. I want them to feel the love of the Lord in their lives and to follow Him. I want that for them when I am with them and even more when I am not.

Home school vs public, Sleep-overs vs not, driving at 16 or waiting, walking to a friends house by themselves, choosing what to wear, allowing freedom in music or not, which movies to watch, friends to have.....the list goes on and on. These are the choices we make and think about and pray over.

Katherine over at Raising Five has written about this in a post that I found very insightful and really food for thought. I love her quote about sheltering not being a place but a relationship. I agree that it is SO important to have a good, living, growing, respectful, loving relationship and that it is that example and love that helps our kids chose the right. I add that a their personal relationship with the Heavenly Father is also, and even more so, important and needs to be cultivated the same way.

So thanks Katherine and if you have a minute go read!


Gabriela said...

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. :)

Joyismygoal said...

I agree sheltering is a relationship, Being able to choose to be or do good is more important than being shielded from any exposure to wrong, evils, or the world in general. In choosing they become stronger and able to resist even better.

Katherine@Raising Five said...

Thanks for thinking of me and sending folks my way! You are right - our ultimate desire is for them to know God for themselves.

Code Yellow Mom said...

Love your thougth baout the importance of a relationship with their Heavenly Father. I once read, "All that matters is your relationship to God. If that is how it should be, nothing else matters. If that is not how it should be, nothing else counts." I've thought about that a lot,a s well as the little seed that was planted in my heart as a little child: I Am A Child of God. When we help our kids really internalize that, they are so empowered to face whatever temptations and trials come their way, even when we are not there to hold their hands.