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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, September 18, 2006

Day one of the 30 day journey back to being ambulatory

Day one is done. That's a good thing.

J begged to stay home and help. I relented even though I usually frown on frivolously missing school (not really but we do have to meet the requirements for attendance and they are strict). She was a huge help. She cleaned and helped with the kids and fixed lunch and did everything cheerfully. S and H and E have all be very helpful too. E holds my shirt to help me walk and brings stuff to me and always knows where the crutches are (mainly because he is using them as a super cool machine gun or a hockey stick). Everyone has been great and helpful.

Mom and Dad came over and fixed dinner and stayed for FHE. H prepared the lesson. Now R and E are at Wal-mart getting things we can't live without i.e. diapers, soy milk, dish soap. Marcia was there this morning and asked if I needed anything~ I totally forgot that we did. Duh.

We watched "Miracle" today. It was great. E LOVED it! He's thinking of changing his future profession from scuba diver to hockey player. He ran around for 2 hours say "he shoots, he scores" "USA scores!!" "Soviets miss" It was very entertaining. Since we live by neither an ocean nor any ice I think either one of these choices is equally feasible.

I have found one good thing about using crutches, if there is something on the floor you can use them like giant chopsticks to pick the thing up. Not really all that great. Also, I suspect I will end up with stronger hands and shoulders and forearms since they are all sore and have possibly never been used so much before. I would crawl around but the tile is really hard and I don't have knee pads.

29 days to go :) ...but who's counting?


Joyismygoal said...

I think I like Miracle so much not only because it it is true but it is the ultimate example of what we have left to give when we feel we are totally exhausted.

Pirate Princess said...

Well, at least your parents are able to help out.. stay off that foot! so hard for mommies...