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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Puzzler

Last night DH brought me some pennies arranged in an arrow shape. He asked me to move only three of them and make the arrow point the opposite direction.

I hate puzzles. I can never see what a flat shape folded into a 3 dimentional object will be. My spacial skills are next to nil. I was not excited. I stared at it for a while, moved some pennies around, signed loudly. I couldn't do it.

E, who likes to sleep in our room, wasn't asleep yet. He popped up to help and since I figured I wouldn't be allowed to go to sleep until I figured the dumb thing out and I since I was tired I agreed. I explained to him the task and then let him try it. He moved the pennies around for a few minutes while I counted "1,2,3, nope" and put them back. On about his 4th or 5th try he got it. I was so surprised! He was pleased. DH and I were proud. I got to go to bed :)

It's interesting to me how different peoples brains work. Brother is a bright boy but not really some kind of a genius. He is energetic and interested in lot of things. I worry about sending him to school next year because I don't think schools lean themselves to teaching boys who wiggle and are loud and learn by moving things around. He can figure out lots of stuff, but he likes to do it while doing flips on the couch or bouncing on the floor next to the bed. I wonder how he'll do at a desk. I hope that school won't kill his love of learning and trying things out. This year in preschool he is more willing to sit and write and cut. Maybe in another year he'll be even better at it.


Anonymous said...

Smart boy! Now are you going to give us the answer or what? I can't figure it out! :-)

Mimo- JenK said...

Me either! You can't just leave us hanging!
Smart kid you have there :)

Pirate Princess said...

I don't like those kinds of puzzles either, but redbeard & venus do them all the time. Glad it didn't take to long to get some sleep! lol!

Joyismygoal said...

I know my whole family has that kind of brain but me I guessthe rest of us just stay puzzled :) E is probably good at jigsaw puzzles too.

Katherine@Raising Five said...

Okay, now I'm going to have to try this. My son will get it, no problem, and my middle daughter. The rest of us will probably just applaud them!

Debbie said...

Ok, what is the answer? I need to know:)

emlouisa said...

I'm not good at those things either. I hand them RIGHT over to my husbandm who figures it out in less than three seconds and wonders why I don't understand the logic.

Teresa said...

What a smart kiddo you have there!

You have to tell us the answer though!!!!!

Vety said...

Smart cookie!! meanwhile...I still haven't figured it out.