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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring break~ day3

Today we went to the Dallas World Aquarium. It was really neat. It's like a rain forest. You start on the top floor, which is the canopy and see birds and monkey etc. Then you spiral down through the levels and see different animals along the way. The manatee was awesome, it's so huge!

I also loved the little monkeys, some were so small and lively and bright was so cute.

H liked the penguins best and E liked the manatee.

Papa and Grandma came with us, which was so fun. S and J stayed home, they wanted to sleep. (boring teens)

After the aquarium we ate at Burger King and the kids played for a little while.

Then we had to stop by Russel Feed and get penicillan for Millie.

Last night we had the worst nights sleep. We got home kind of late from the movies and Target and then putzed around for awhile.

Shortly after we got in bed the phone pager went off. I went out to see why and everyone was in bed and I didn't see any problems. An hour later it went off again. Still didn't see any problems.
A couple hours after that S came in my room to tell me that Millie had been sick on the floor. Great. We got up and cleaned that up, luckily it was on the throw rug so we rolled it up and put it outside to deal with in the morning. 40 minutes later we were done cleaning up, airing out, and disinfecting. Back to bed ...again.

Then I woke up several more times, I don't know why. All in all it wasn't a restful night and I am looking forward to an early bedtime tonight.

Millie has giardia, we are pretty sure. She's had it before. The first time we took her to the vet ($200), now we go to the feed store and buy penicillin and syringes ($12). It's a pain but she gets well. Hopefully no one human or canine will catch it from her.

The girls have a dinner at the park for YW tonight. E has soccer practice. Fun & busy is our theme!


I have a good life said...

Sorry about Millie and the sleep. The aquarium sounds fun! We have thought about going, but never have. Is it worth the price? What a great spring break adventure!

Joyismygoal said...

Fun!! we were in the same neck of the woods today.

Anne/kq said...

I love that aquarium. I am not sleeping at all tonight; it just doesn't seem to be working. *sigh*

nikko said...

Oooh... it looks so cool. I had the hardest time trying to figure out what that is in the last picture. What is it??

Lana said...

it's a yellow dotted manta ray

Suzanne said...

Wow! You guys are always so busy having fun! Your kids will have so many wonderful memories! I'm sorry your dog isn't well and that you didn't get much sleep...

yerdoingitwrong said...

Looks like you guys are having a blast. I love the pics!!!