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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

hair woes

Do you ever feel just randomly slightly discontent? I am not really bored, just a little ho-humish. I don't know exactly why. I have a good life and plenty to keep me busy. I know I have many blessings but the last few days have been very vanilla-ie.
Maybe it's because of my hair. My mom didn't let me cut my hair when I was young and I missed those all important formative hair years. So now although I wish I had cute hair like Meg Ryan, I really have Witch Hazel hair. It's very sad. In 13 months I'll be 40 and I thought I'd like to have long stylish hair and to be thin. Well my hair is long but the cloud of bobby pins flying and general frizzyness just isn't what I had in mind.
Maybe I need to try some new ice cream flavors? (I know, that will really help with the whole fit by forty plan).
Do hyperlinks count as footnotes? I don't want to copy something I am not supposed to.
Good news is tonight is a special night of Survivor and we had some rain today.


Holger Danske said...

I think I will blame these days on my hair too, I miss it.The only style left for me is kojak.
I can tell when things are slow when start looking forward to american idol or americas next top model. Hopefully it is because the kids watch it together and they let me participate. You can never go wrong with chocolate ice cream, it is a good motivator to exericise. Besides, I beleive our bodies crave for the foods and nutrients they are in need of, like when kids eat dirt or dogs eat grass. My body just seems to need rocky road.

yerdoingitwrong said...

I live and die by my ceramic flat iron. Best invention ever I say!!

I also live and die by Ice Cream. =)

attack of The Mouse said...

Isn't it amazing how when our day seems blah, we think, "It's our hair - we need a cut and die job". Trust me I know how it feels. I'm just glad to hear you articulate it so wonderfully. Thank goodness for our favorite TV shows to help us feel great about life. I watch survior every once in a while at my MIL, but trust me if we had TV I'd so be watching it all the time.