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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

a day like any other

Today, today, work while you may
There is no tomorrow but only today.

Do you remember that hymn? It must have been written about mothers :)

Today was a day much like every other day. I woke up early and went to work out with Tori while S was at seminary. She added more weights to our bar today, how mean, but we did it so yea!
When I got home I had to hurry H along. She was laying in the bath luxuriating. She had to rush rush rush and actually stand on the front porch with her bowl of cereal shovelling in spoon fulls as the bus rolled down our street toward her stop. She wasn't very happy about that. She also asked for a note to get out of PE because she had a cut on her foot from the night before that was hurting. I told her no and sent her on her way. (foreshadowing alert).
After she was gone the rest of the kids piled in the suburban and we ran to Albertson's pumped some gas into the big green gas hog and ran inside to get J's sack lunch fixins' for her field trip.

Dropped off S, dropped off J and came home to shower and dress.

Around 10 Carson and Mason came over while their mom went on a field trip. The boys played great. Carson napped, Lucy played. They ate lunch, ran around, heard a couple stories, set up the animals in some epic battle formations and used their light sabers.

During all that Lou had speech. Ms. Maricarol is so nice and Lucy loved playing with her. She was very cooperative and said "words" that were approximations of giraffe, monkey, not there, diaper, not dog, more and a few others. Some sounded like the word so we're making progress. Either way she loves it which is fun.

By 3 we had done some laundry, cleaned the kitchen (twice), chatted on the phone, checked our blogs, made the beds, picked up the living room (at least 3 times) what else? Oh got some stuff ready for the ward social. The usuals.

After the boys left H got home and we went to pick up S. Soon after J was home. Everyone needed snacks. I started dinner and got E ready for soccer practice. DH got home and took E. After feeding the kids at home I left J in charge of G and went to watch soccer. I was supposed to go right after to go meet Robin, Rachel and Mom for some "visiting teaching" at Chilis. H went w/ the boys to play with her friend during practice.

Practice went well. H's foot was bleeding again so I gave her a tissue. I left to go meet up at Chili's and got a call when I was almost there saying R2 couldn't make it so I turned around and came home. J, G and I took a walk to Nikko's house to lend her "New Moon". DH got home and sat down to eat dinner with E. H had gotten invited to go to CiCi's with her friend. DH told me he wanted me to make bread, and did I remember that I said I would two days ago. (that's the nice version of the story). I did remember so I started the bread.

H came home and was still complaining about her foot. Upon closer examination we discovered that she had a small piece of glass in it.
We performed bathroom surgery. DH was the surgeon, S held the light, I held the foot, G and E held H's hands, H cried. It was over quickly and we bathed her and got her ointmented up.

I went back to the bread. DH gave E and himself a hair cut.
While the dough was rising I put the little girls to bed. Boys showered. We gathered all for scriptures/prayers except the little girls who were sleeping.

Now, it's 10:30. Everyone is sleeping except S who is finishing homework and me waiting for the bread to finish baking.

It starts at 5:40am it ends at 11pm. No wonder I yawn in the afternoon; BUT I am 100% confident that in 14 months while we are on our cruise I will get to sleep in at least one of those days, and it will be lovely.

and I need to perfect my bread recipe I guess, if DH is going to want me to make some every week. These came out a little too brown. I want it to come out light and airy and yummy.


The Amazing Trips said...

Oh no - bathroom foot surgery - how awful!! I'm glad you got the glass out and no trip to the doctor was necessary.

On your post below - add cranberries to the mix. They are higher in antioxidants than blueberries. We eat about a bag of the dehydrated variety every week. Maybe you could throw a handful (or two) in to your next batch of delicious bread!! (and then, mail one to me!) :)

Awesome Mom said...

Yikes! Just reading all that exhausted me. I am not sure how you can function with out a nap in there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Tag, you're it! Come check out my blog!

Anne/kq said...

Quite a day! I went to the laundromat and did about 10 loads of laundry. And that's not even all of it-- only about half. *groan*

nikko said...

Yikes. Just reading the synopsis of your day makes mine look like cake.

I'm loving New Moon. Thanks!

The Pollard Fam said...

Wow! I am tired just reading all of that. You are right about that hymn...definitely written about women!

Tori :) said...

A cruise... ahhh. I loved our cruise. I'm excited for you.

wendy said...

What a day! You ARE super mommy! I'm impressed by the bread baking at 10:30pm!