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Sunday, April 15, 2007

sabbath morning

The girls came home last night so stinky and very happy. They had a wonderful time. I was in bed reading and they hopped on top of me. After I caught my breath and pushed them off my nostrils I asked how the conference was. (the last session is actually tonight)
They both said great and they had soooooo much fun. J then said she was too tired to talk, got up and grabbed a towel and promised a report in the a.m. S stayed a minute longer to tell me "the best story" but also said she was saving the rest for tomorrow. She said the best part was driving home on the bus. They were talking and kidding around and somehow got to singing. Soon the whole bus was singing hymns together with different kids calling out names when they finished one so they could start the next. They did this the whole rest of the ride home. When they got to the parking lot and started to get up and gather their stuff the bus driver stood up and yelled at them to sit down. He then said he'd had the worst week with lots of challenges and was feeling really down. Their singing touched him and he felt at peace. He thanked them.
The stunned kids gathered their stuff and left. Later S and her new friend, Ivan, said they thought someday missionaries might knock at his door and he would remember them and the feelings the hymns brought to him and maybe he'd listen. She was excited.
The girls are still sleeping so I haven't heard anything more.

While printing out my sunday school lesson for this afternoon I spent a few minutes browsing blogs I haven't read before. I found one that looks interesting, I may go back. She is sponsoring a summer reading challenge. The idea is to read 3 books by southern authors. Sounds fun. Living in TX, but not being a native I am not really sure if I live in the south or not. It's certainly a lot more "southern" than CA. But I think TX is really it's own entity. Regardless I'm going to find three books and start in (as soon as I read the sequel to Twilight which we read for book club this month and I really liked, but I am saving #2 for my flight this next weekend so I will hopefully be so engrossed in it I will forget about using the power of my will to keep the plane airborne and maybe enjoy the flight). If you do too let me know. and the button is a link so go check her out if you want.


maggie moran said...

Ew, I do hope you take part in the challenge! AND, yes you are a Southerner by wikipedia rules. ;D

utmommy said...

I may have to do that too!

Sounds like YC was a success!

attack of The Mouse said...

Fun. I've enjoyed the other books you've mentioned on your blog. I've also heard from some blogs I read about "Twilight" I think now it is a must read for me. However, I might be a few weeks behind, because we are getting a new library and I think it is closed right now so they can move. Once they open, I'm there. Thanks for the suggestions. I can't wait. :)

wendy said...

That sounds like a fun challenge - I've been enjoying Kay Gibbons (mostly southern novels)

What a great experience at the Youth Conference!

Anne/kq said...

That is a wonderful story. Wow! What a great experience for them. :)

Anne/kq said...

Oh, and if you like mysteries, you might check out some by Sharyn McCrumb. I really loved her "Ballad Series" of mysteries, set in a small Appalachian town (near where she lives.)