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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, October 12, 2007

Carnival~ third times the charm :)

After dinner we had our pumpkin decorating contest. We had two tables set up, one for painters and one for carvers.

Everyone did awesome. Ingrid did a great sailing ship, her's was my favorite.
Brother and K won the painted pumpkin prize!

The kids ran around and amuck.

We ended the evening by gathering on the front lawn for an outdoor viewing of "Night at the Museum." H and Alexis handed out glow stick and we gave out treats to eat.
I'm calling it a success!

I counted, we had 50 people and one dog here tonight!


Yvonne said...

I'd call it a GREAT SUCCESS!!!

Anna said...

Looks like so much fun!

lera said...

Oh, it looks like so much fun!