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Sunday, August 31, 2008

bullet point weekend

Friday night we had the missionaries over for dinner.

Don't you think my new cups would looks nice with brown plates?

J went to the first football game of the High school season.

Saturday morning we had soccer practice in our backyard.

DH painted lines on the grass so now we have a "real field"

After the practice we had a pool party /BBQ with the team. It was a lot of fun.

We had Emmie and Kenna over and the kids played great.

We went to Hannah and Heather's baptism, H said the prayer. It was a nice meeting.

Went to CiCis

J went to the stake back to school swim party.

Sunday, church day :)

1 comment:

Mel said...

I love it that your DH painted lines on the grass! What a great weekend:)