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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

more girl than baby

Little Missy is growing up so fast. She seems more like a little girl each day and less and less like a baby.
I caught her today playing with brother's wooden car . She put it at the top, pushed it down, laughed outloud, started again. It was very cute.

She hates to have a tray with her high chair, actually her preference is to stand on a big chair and fall off several times while being free to reach food off other peoples plates. She settles for sitting in her chair pushed into the table, sans tray.

She wants to swim like the big kids and boldly leaps in the water regardless if someone is there to catch her or not. She tries so hard to swim and kicks hard under the water, her little face never breaks the surface though so I guess she's just too small. It's not for lack of trying however.

She likes to help with chores and will happily go get something, put toys in their baskets, unload the dishwasher and "help fold" clothes. The later never fails to elicit shrieks from the actual folders, "get away from our piles!", which only makes her crack up laughing!

She wants to go with the big kids where ever they are. She happily lays on the floor and turns over cards during memory. She holds her babies and pats them on the back, she sits at the computer and types away.

And saddest of all she abandoned our family bed and loves to be in her big girl room.

What a big girl!


Anonymous said...

Oh, that face is adorable!

Mel said...

What a fun little girl and oh, so helpful!