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Friday, April 13, 2007

grocery day

When Dani got a job downtown working at a fancy schmancy restaurant she had to memorize the menu, and what was in each dish, and how it was prepared, etc. I know this because I quizzed her.

I think Wal-mart should adopt a similar policy for their checkers. The checkers should take a produce test before being allowed to scan items. Produce because it doesn't have a bar code. Finding the bar code on boxes of soap, or pkgs of socks could be a separate quiz; but I digress.

I can not even count the number of times I have been asked "what is this?", only to have to answer zucchini or ginger root or artichoke. Thankfully I have never had to answer banana because I don't think I could stand it. I know not everyone eats vegetables and so could be stumped by some exotic specimen but I think if it's in your store maybe you should be familiar with it.

That said yesterday the kids were eating a before bed meal snack and I was reading from Highlights to them and we read about the pangolin. An animal I had never heard of. So, who am I to talk?


Tori :) said...

But you don't work at, say, a zoo- so you don't have to know all the animals. I'm with you on the Walmart checkers!!
Sei found a kind worm today in the backyard that I had never seen in my life. It's fat and white with fangs. Really weird... Just thought I'd share.

Millie said...

OK, I have two really rude things to say. Just so you're warned.

1) I'm not surprised they wouldn't know what some vegetables are and

2) Every time I go in there and I have a kid who wants to hold onto a toy, I imagine an employee stopping us at the door and asking me if the toy was paid for or where we got it or whatever, just so I can say, "I don't know. Do you sell these?" Just so I can see the blank look on the employee's face.

Because I'm nice like that. ;)

nikko said...

When I was home from BYU during the summers, I was a checker at Safeway. I got sent to a week long checker training. We had to memorize ALL those produce codes. It was a pain, but I still remember a few of them, which is helpful at those self-checkout lanes!

Anonymous said...

Must be something in the water, I've been ranting over at Divertimenta about Walmart as well.

Anne/kq said...

They don't require their checkers to memorize produce codes? *blink*

Every store I've ever bought produce from, the checkers, even the new ones, were required to undergo training and be familiar with, if not all, then almost all the produce.