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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

hi ho Silver, away!

What a day, what a day. Where to start?
Got up and worked out this morning. It's getting muggy in the garage and I sweat and stink. In the context of "we were working out" that might be a good thing though.

Brother is feeling a little under the weather. He's had a fever and a bit of a cough. It goes away with Tylenol and Triaminic. Today he had a dentist appointment, one that we cancelled once before, well technically we forgot and called afterwards to rescheduled but still. I didn't want to cancel again so I took him and actually by the time we made the 35 minute drive he was feeling chipper and had a great appointment. He was happy because he got a cool dinosaur toothbrush with dino-head cover and he has no cavities and they have video games in the waiting room and in the kids chairs.

We stopped by Panda on the way home where the kids insisted on using chop sticks. Lucy was very cute stabbing her chicken with one and eating it that way. Unlimited refills is also a novelty and they enjoyed several glasses of lemonade each.

When we got home we had some cleaning up to do, and mother's day cards to pop in the mail, and a late birthday present to send off, and my phone rang about 3 dozen times today.

The girls are at mutual tonight. They are building go-carts and then racing them in the parking lot. I am excited to hear how it went.

Our kids are great, and lots of fun. That said, they also can be a handful at times. Lately brother's been having trouble not hitting H. She is expert at pushing his buttons (as all older sisters are I think). Today they were fighting over the toothpaste, or toothbrush or who was standing by which sink while they brushed or some other equally important dental related thing and he hauled off and punched her in the eye. I don't think she'll have a black eye. He however got a big black mark on his good boy list. He had to sit in time out, help me with extra chores after the girls were in bed and have a big talk (again). Punching is a boy thing, at least around here it is. None of the girls have done that~hair pulling and shoving yes, closed fisted punching no. We been suffering from some general slowness to obey and not wanting to go to bedness. I can't wait for summertime. Bedtime is not critical and "you can't swim until you __________" is the best motivator ever.
Additionally Little Miss I'm-two-and-like-to-do-things-by-myself is into taking off her diaper, a zillion times a day. Not cute. We've been working on potty training but it's really been a half hearted effort on my part because I don't think she's ready, she just likes to be naked. Since she's been in speech she's talking more, we're not understanding much more but she has lots of things to say. It may actually be more frustrating while she tries to tell us and we don't get it but hopefully she'll improve and it will be better. The good news is she is saying more words that are clear and making a lot more effort.

We have many friends who are moving in the next while. All of a sudden. Mom and Dad decided to move a little over a month ago. Their house is on the market and they are planning on leaving for China this summer (if that plan holds); if not maybe they'll go on a mission sooner. Then not two or three weeks after that DH had a meeting with his boss and agreed to move to MD next summer, which was not what we had in mind before that. Then our Bishop and his family got a job opportunity in So Carolina and will probably move this summer and now our other friends Quinn and Sandy got a new job this week and are moving to Utah next month. It's just crazy. Change is everywhere. I think the job market of today is such that people move a lot more.

And a few random thoughts to end the evening with: I've been watching this eagle cam, for awhile now, and I have never seen the mother but the babies are cute. I wonder when they'll fly. Brother and I like to check on the chicks.

Our DDV count down is counting in days now, not weeks or months! woo hoo!

and lastly I got a Lone Ranger DVD in the $1 movie pile at Wal-mart some time ago. Today I stuck it in the VCR for our commute to the dentist and back and E loved it. It's his new hero, that super cool TX Ranger fighting for good and shooting his gun. Very fun. I couldn't see it but did get to listen and it was fun to hear the theme song again and to listen to his good deeds.


nikko said...

I am so sad that we have so many awesome people moving out of our ward. :o( :o( And everyone keeps asking us, "are you moving away like the U's are?"

Sorry E is not feeling well. Hopefully Preschool will go well tomorrow.

I'll have to check out the eagle cam. Goodness knows I'm always looking for more ways to waste time online. *smirk*

utmommy said...

We've got the punching problem here too. Not fun.

Tori :) said...

Those $1 dvds are the best. I got Taj a Superman one a couple of months ago and he loved it!!
Your days are always so busy and full.

Anne/kq said...

Chopsticks are fun! Yay for speech therapy! My mom loved westerns growing up. She named the car she had when we were growing up Silver.

Phae-Jae said...


5 "good mom" points for bringing Lone Ranger into 2007 and it being well recieved!

Anonymous said...

My kids LOVE Panda! Orange Chicken is the best thing ever for filling up little tummies! Naptime always follows, which makes Panda one of my favorites, too!

Suzanne said...

It does seem like people move a lot more for jobs now. I'd just love to stay in the same house 20 years, but I just don't picture that happening. How fun that you went to Panda! Yummy...

I have a good life said...

I can't believe all who are moving. It is very sad and depressing. Our ward in just a few months will be so different than the one we moved into! :(

Chellie said...

I consider myself lucky because moving is about a .01% chance for me. Damien's company is here and not going anywhere. I think it is so hard for/with little kids.
You are always so busy. Sometimes I am tired keeping up with you! :)
Yay! for vacations. You guys will have a fab time.

wendy said...

Go Carts in the parking lot sound like a lot of fun!

So, are you moving this summer, or the next summer? Moving is no fun, but also a little exciting!

attack of The Mouse said...

I'm sorry you have a nake baby problem, but I also appriciate you sharing. I've been dealing with that issue for a while now. It is driving me crazy. Especially since I have nightmares my little one has been abused. I know it is only a fase BUT when will it end? 2 year olds do have a mind of there own, they wnt to do it all by themselves, but still need quite a bit of help. Congrats about your move, I am sure you will miss the place you are in, but will be a great assest in your new home.

Joyismygoal said...

chYack you are going too I am sad thinking about it all,

Mel said...

Are you really moving? I love how you briefly mention moving along with the little things in life:) That is a big move.