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Friday, May 25, 2007

kindergarten in the kitchen

Yesterday was brother's last day of preschool. It was a lot of fun. Jen did a great job, the boys had a party, made scrapbooks, came home with cute new tee-shirts, and lots of other fun stuff.

This morning he woke up and told me that now that preschool was done he was ready to start kindergarten.
He was very insistent so after book club (we read "to kill a mockingbird" this month~ which I had read before but really loved again. Atticus is so good, I just love him. I also love Scout and her bright mind and good heart.) We came home and put Lou down for her nap and started on his work book. He worked for 1/2 an hour and wanted to have "recess", which meant he wanted to see if Sponge Bob was on. After about 10 minutes he came back and worked some more. In that time he did 36 pages in his work book. One page had mistakes on it.

Tonight I went to a bridal shower for Brittany. It was very fun, lots of people came, and I won a prize :) Before I got home E called to tell me that he had finished his workbook.

It's going to be tough to keep him with enough work, he loves to play school and works quickly. He understands things quickly too.


Anne/kq said...

Wow, sounds like you've got a motivated learner! Have you considered letting him self-direct a lot of his learning and using online resources (many sites have free printouts) instead of workbooks, since he seems to finish them so fast?

utmommy said...

What a smart boy!

Joyismygoal said...

R always went through the work books like that in a flash, You have a smart little guy there.

Anonymous said...

Smart kid. How fun!