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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

i love these guys

I don't know why.
Lately these birds have been in our neighborhood. They are so pretty. Tons of them walk around the backyard looking for food (I guess). They startle easily so we can't get close and when we try they quickly take flight. We've been trying to take a picture for two days but all I get is a speck of white in the air, or a tiny speck on the ground.

This morning we were sitting "quietly" on the front porch hoping one would land nearish to us when this little guy hopped through our front flower bed. Very cute.

Brother would like me to note that his favorite bird is the bald eagle and he would like to go to the zoo to take their pictures.

Lucy says she likes ducks. Coincidentally the only bird she can name, none the less she does like them so good enough.


utmommy said...

So fun!

wendy said...

Cute little bunny!

Tori :) said...

Not to be gross, but aren't those the birds that peck around in cow poop? Just an observation I've made... I don't know the technical name or anything. :)

Chellie said...

IS that a bunny or a rat? :)
Great pictures!

Joyismygoal said...

I love bunnies and ducks. Lucy is going to be a "Quack up" she likes what she can say,-- I like that.:)

yerdoingitwrong said...

ME TOO. Bunnies and ducks are the cutest. Definitely my two faves!!

Anne/kq said...

When Emma was 1, we lived in a place where we had ducks behind our apartment. "Duck" was about her 5th word. I asked what she wanted at her birthday party and she said "duck." So we had a duck birthday party. It was fun. :)

I have to admit the cow is a little scary.

nikko said...

I have noticed those birds, too, even though they haven't really come in our yard.

We have bunny that likes the spot behind our garbage cans. We see him often -- in the back yard, in the front, in the flower beds, etc.

Lei said...

that's an egret! fun, cute pics!