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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

this is not a political blog

nor do I have tons of political opinions, and I would never try and sway you to agree with me. Okay, never is a strong word, I guess there might come a day when I would but not today, and not while I feel like I don't have enough knowledge about it and them.
However I do think it's important that we vote and that we try to elect good people who will serve our country well.
My MIL sent me this link. It's a quick quiz that lines you up with a candidate after answering a dozen or so questions. This guy was my match. I actually have never heard of him, although I am sure DH, who lives and breathes politics, history and airplanes (not necessarily in that order) has.
Anyway, it was fun to take.


Anne/kq said...

I took three of those quizzes from different sites, and NO ONE is more than a 19% match with me.

I guess my opinions and beliefs will not be represented AGAIN.

Oh, well. Guess I'll be writing in my choice for president again...

(Last time I did Thomas Monson, my husband got a kick out of that.)

Erika said...

I think that the questions asked were really good ones. Voters need to decide which of the issues are most important to them and vote accordingly. I found I matched with several however what I thought was most important didn't alway match. Overall I thought it was a good quiz.

Joyismygoal said...

I got the same as you but Romney was close