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Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Whoo Hoo!!

Everyone got up and ready this morning with a minimum of moaning. J said she didn't want to go and wanted to be home schooled with Emma. So did E. I think, however that their days will be good.

This year we have a Senior!! a Sophomore, a 4th grader and 1st grader and poor Lu who cried and wished it was Wednesday so she could go to "baa way"


Yvonne said...

You have a Senior, too. I still can't believe mine is going into Grade 12 ; ) (I commented on last post first--should have read about Lu before I commented. Hope it gets easier for her.

nikko said...

Yay for the first day of school! :o)

Alison said...

As we were driving around all day, Carson kept telling me to find a preschool for him. He feels left out. Yes, they still do have belly flops. Who knew.