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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

G*rls N*ght

We went out to dinner and then to see Mamma Mia and then to Robin's for ice cream!

It was very fun, even though I didn't love the movie.
Other than the lewd parts, and the sad parts, and PB horrible singing, and MS annoying acting I liked it but it is not on my must see again list.

I did have a very fun time out with my friends though :)
( a few of whom snuck out before the photo op)


Yvonne said...

Fun time. (I haven't seen the movie yet)

Kathy said...

Yes I did sneak out quickly because I knew I had 2 kids at home that needed to go to bed. I also had 3 people call me during the movie & 2 messages that I had to return. Also I wanted to get home to read "Breaking Dawn". I just got it.

It was a fun time!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

OK, yes, it did have all those things, but I still loved the movie. . .maybe because I was nursed on ABBA. . .

Anne/kq said...

I didn't love the plot-- but I've seen the stage musical so I knew what it was. I went for the visuals and the music and the visuals didn't disappoint and the only music that did was when PB sang! Ouch!

Rachel said...

I had a good time and was glad that I went... Even though I am not a fan of the movie.

Chellie said...

I love girls nights out! So fun!
You're the first person I know that said you didn't like the movie!

The Texas Bakers said...

Forget the movie! I am just pleased at how small my belly looks in the pics!!