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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

skip it

H loves charts. Lately (like the last 71/2 years) we've had trouble getting her to go to sleep. Now that she's big the problem is staying in her bed. She literally will pop out 15 times between 8 and 11 (or whatever time we finally lose our patience and threaten her with the direst of consequences). It is frustrating for us, and not good for her. She also wakes up very matter when she goes to bed. But she is grouchy and uncooperative when she doesn't get enough rest. And 6:30 am find hers most disagreeable and slow to get ready when she's been up late, unless it's a weekend in which case she is up before dawn cracks! ANYway, we made a chart. If she got 10 stickers for staying in bed she could get a skip it, which she has been wanting. I allowed her one "get up" because she just has to say one more thing or get one drink or something and I am fine with that, I don't want her to feel exiled after all. Last night was night 10. Today she got her skip it and skipped away all afternoon very happily.
Tonight she went to bed, hopped up 10 minutes later and came to tell me something. I talked to her for a minute and then said okay, that was your one time. What! you didn't tell me that she exclaimed...but she headed back to bed so maybe?!?


Pirate Princess said...

LOL!!! Oh I hope it works for you. Sounds like a great plan! :) Athena finally had her play - her costume turned out pretty. :)

Tori :) said...

Good idea!!! I hope it continues to work. I may have to steal this idea from you- Isabel is the same way...

attack of The Mouse said...

I love your perspective on parenthood.

Mel said...

My H has the same bedtime habits. Maybe its the age thing. Last night was quite a challenge. I need to try the sticker chart:) I love your parenting ideas.

Joyismygoal said...

I used to love my skip it it would busy me for hours only i think it might have had a diff name.

utmommy said...

Maybe S needs charts for everything in his life!!

Phae-Jae said...

My oldest is the same way, she cannot turn her brain off at night. Great idea...good way to earn something she really wanted.