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Too Many To Count Two

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Ted left this morning. He was a very pleasant house guest. We taught him how to play killer bunnies, and had a triple Yahtzee night. He played with the kiddos, made his bed and was charming and fun to talk to.

This morning I had to tract down or choreograph an 1800 century dance because I had 12 girls coming to learn it this afternoon.

I had already tried many libraries, teacher stores, book stores and the Internet. Finally I concluded that I would have to buy the Pride and Prejudice CD, watch the movie and try and simulate the steps.

Not my first choice.

But that's what I did. Fortunately Papa and Grandma had a house showing in the afternoon and they came here right as I was ready to create. We watched together and then Papa and I danced together in the living room ~ for 45 minuteish. At the end I was red in the face, breathing hard and laughing my head off. It was very fun and we came up with a dance that while not authentic is pretty cute and looks like the dancing in the movie (sort of)

The girls came over to practice and we worked hard until the collapsed on the ground in a worn out heap. Then I released them and with new found strength they tore off to the back yard to run and scream and do flips and swing.

It was a lot of fun.

Now I'm in the mood to see the rest of the movie.


Yvonne said...

Looks like the girls had a ball. That must have been so fun to dance with your papa.

Enjoy the movie!!!

utmommy said...

M wishes she was dancing with H too!

Gabriela said...

How fun. You know I read your blog and collect ideas for the time my daughter will be in YW, dont you? You are so creative!

enjoy the movie!

Joyismygoal said...

wow you are kinda scary busy I would have lent you the video and I know how to do some of those dances soory I could never find 'The Little Star" My files and Google let me down

nikko said...

Can't wait to see the dance. :o)

I have a good life said...

K had an especially great time! I am so grateful that you are spending the time with the girls to do this. They will remember it forever, I am sure! :)