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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, November 30, 2007

one more day and we're officially into the season!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! First and most importantly....Pioneer Woman's marlboro man's chaps framed wranglers have nothing on my DH in his hanging-the -Christmas lights-levis. Nothing says "I love you dear" like a man on a ladder :) There is nothing more romantic than a list of chores getting knocked off one at a time, just for me.

Then there is all the holiday food hitting the shelves. Now I know that "merry maple" is just brown sugar and maple instant oatmeal dressed up for the holidays but come on isn't that box so cute? And doesn't it just scream wholesome goodness?
And Peppermint ice cream is DH's seasonal favorite and how do I say "I love you too!"? With food of course.


wendy said...

The pressure is ON in our neighborhood to get our lights up. Waaa - I don't actually have any!

Marlboro Man's got nothin' on yours!

I have never had peppermint ice cream. Must put that on my list!

Yvonne said...

LOL at your comment about hubby on the lights ; )

All the wonderful treats this time of year make it even better!!!