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Thursday, November 15, 2007

a typical night in a blessed life

Tonight I went to tuck my babies in their beds. Lucy had gotten a new pair of jammies this afternoon, pink with snowmen on them. She was excited to put them on. After she was changed and ready for bed we sat on the couch and read "The Beaver Story" and "Santa gets Dressed". Brother came over to listen. Then I carried her to her bed and asked what songs she wanted. Like every night she answered "hush the baby, rock the baby, mickey mouse". I sang to her and helped her say her prayers then went to track down brother. He got ready, brushed his teeth, went to the bathroom and came in for his stories. He chose Nato Fighters (as usual), The Kiss that Missed (one of our favorites) and a Berenstain Bear book. After stories he said his prayers and then I was off to find H. She took a little longer but finally got tucked in. Three babies, wearing warm jammies, sleeping in comfortable beds with books by their sides and full tummies.
Next I loaded the dishwasher then J called me to help her look for something on the computer. We spent some time laughing and looking up birth stones and other things. Then she left to play the piano and I stayed on the computer. I was listening to her in the other room, she's been working on Rhapsody in Blue and it's coming along. Suddenly she sounded so awesome, I jumped up and ran out to see what kind of ivory miracle happened on that keyboard. The Elders had arrived and it turns out that Elder Anderson is a great pianist and Elder Blake plays the trumpet. They each played, and so did DH. Like the pied piper this drew H out of her room to listen. We enjoyed a few moments of musical entertainment and then they left and we went back to what we were doing.
All day I have thought about this post that I read this morning. About another mother, in another country, living a very different life. I don't know why I am so lucky to have all the things I need and all the things my children need, when others have nothing. The unfairness of it makes me cry. I can not imagine sitting on the floor of my home, holding my baby as she fitfully sleeps through survives the night waiting for the sun to rise, hungry and cold and knowing that tomorrow won't be better, or the next day.
I do know that like the sun that rises to bring us light and a new day, the Son of God rose and will bring us new life. Somehow He'll make it fair for He loves her as much as me. And in the meantime I can try and do something good with my life, something that justifies my extreme blessings, no, something that at least shows that I recognize that I am blessed and that I don't want to waste it.
So tonight I am grateful for carpet under my feet, a pillow beneath my head, a refrigerator full of food and the luxury of being able to give my children the things they need to thrive. And most of all I am grateful for the Son of God.
...and tonight I pray, for her who does not have all.


Mel said...

I read the post that you linked and it makes me so sad to think of others living like that. thanks for sharing your gratitude.

Gabriela said...

thanks for your post and for the link, both were thought provoking.

Having lived abroad in nations that are poor compared to ours, I think about these things a lot. Still no answers, but I have seen a lot of blessings poured our on people who are trying to live right. Maybe not financial ones, but important ones. And I realize, just like you said, we have to make the most of our lives and help wherever we can to lift others' burdens.

Chellie said...

Thanks for that!

Kathy said...

thanks for making me cry:)

I have a good life said...

It is incredible how much we are blessed. It is also amazing how infrequently we, as a whole, forget how lucky we are! Thanks for the reminder. I really believe that gratitude is the key to a happy life.

Yvonne said...

We are so incredibly blessed. I think being able to go to my cupboard and get something to eat, or turn on a faucet and get water is such a blessing. (So many do not have those things, and like you, that makes me feel sad.)

Because I joined the Church when I was 23, I often look at little families and wonder why I have it in my life and they do not. Even with my own sisters, I wonder why was I touched when I heard the message of the Gospel, and they were not. I try and try, but they don't want to hear. That breaks my heart.

(Sorry, I didn't mean to babble!!!)

Thanks for a great post!!!