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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, November 26, 2007

i don't get it

explain this:
why is it that last week, that would be the week of fall break, the children woke up EVERY morning before the sun rose and scampered happily off to watch TV, or bounced cheerfully on our bed with their "boups" but this week, the week we go back to school, I am dragging them from their beds while they rub their eyes, yawn and stretch and claim to be "soooo tired"????


Yvonne said...

Could it be the "having to get up because I have to do this and that" vs. the "wanting to get up because I get to do this and that"???

I have a good life said...

Same here. Our kids were tired, granted, from the trip back last night, but it was soooo hard to get them up. K whined and cried all morning and I told her she has to go to bed as soon as she gets off the bus this afternoon! She was so cranky.