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Friday, January 04, 2008

What I learned from an 8 year old

I was about H's age when Jimmy Carter was elected President. I remember walking to school with my friends and talking about it and I remember thinking I was a democrat when we talked about it at school because SHHH this is a big secret, my dad is. Although I don't think he votes on party lines and often votes republican. Still it never occurred to me that she, and her friends, listened and had political opinions.

Emma, a cute little girl with a big smile, a great singing voice and a chatter a mile a minute personality, who is H's friend moved to Mexico not too long ago. Her family is back for Christmas vacation, staying with Grandma, and much to the great delight of the 8 years old pack in our ward invited H and the other little tornadoes to their home for an "un sleep-over". We carpooled and I had 5 girls in the car with me on the drive over. It took an extra long time because the parking lot we like to call 820 was backed up with an accident and was even S.L.O.W.E.R than usual. So I kept quiet and listened...and it was so much fun. Emma told fabulous stories of life in Mexico which had the girls roaring with laughter. They talked about webkins (the newest craze...H has two, Olivia claims to know someone who has SEVENTEEN! :) ), school, High School Musical, pajama pants, ear piercings...the usual. Then I heard a little voice say:
"my dad says if Huckabee wins we are moving to the Bahamas"
"he's a crook"
"My dad likes Mitt Romney, we're going to vote for him"
"Mine too"
"Huckabee lies...."
"I'm glad we live in Mexico, then it doesn't matter who wins"
"Yes it does, who ever is the President of the US is like the president of the whole world!"
"Where are the Bahamas?"
"I think they are by Hawaii...'cause they are an island"
"I think they're by Mexico"
"Oh good, then you can come visit us"
"You should live in the Holiday Inn"
"When do we know who won?"
"I think next week"
"No, I think it's longer"

Me: "Not until November"
"Next Christmas?!!" (losing interest instantly)
"Who got a Wii this year....raise your hand" and they're off. It's much like following a stream of consciousness, a collective one, I guess.

And that is the political musing of 5 8 year old girls...anyone care to hear their views on Brittney Spears?

(they're aghast and ashamed for her)

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Oh, they hear everything, don't they!!! I have to do some renovating because there are many in my family who are moving to Canada if certain candidates win!!!