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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, February 01, 2008



Yvonne said...

They are very good. I'm going to ask a silly question--and I hate to ask this in your comment section, but there's no e-mail address--is a member of the drill team the same as a "pom-pom" girl when I was in high school???? Cheerleaders (were called yell leaders) and pom pom girls carried the pom poms and danced???

That looks like so much fun. I can see why J enjoys it

Lana said...

we have cheerleaders that cheer at the games and use pom poms :), then we have a color gaurd that is with the band and have flags and rifles and other things to twirl and throw,then we have the drill team they do three kinds of dances~ jazz, kick and pom. This is a pom dance. Kicks are rockette style and jazz is jazz. They perform at half time and in competitons and pep rallys.

Chellie said...

So cute! I wasn't sure who to watch, but I'm sure your daughter was the best one! ;)

P.S. I have to admit, I'd much rather wear an outfit like that, than what we had to!

utmommy said...

How fun for J! They look good!