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Monday, February 25, 2008

mary and martha

Yesterday at Relief Society we had a really good lesson on "Good, Better, Best" the conference talk from last October. It was about how there are many good things we can choose each day but we need to make sure we are choosing the best of things.
Which is so true, and such a challenge. Knowing what is the best among several good choices is always hard.
We got to talking about Mary and Martha and frankly I feel for Martha. Come on, someone has to cook the dinner and clean the house. I understand that Mary chose well. As a mom though we often have to choose the work over the nourishment to our souls...because babies don't stop crying and etc. The trick is to make sure we also take time for the better part; certainly the Lord wouldn't have us neglect our chores or our children. Maybe the key is to have that done in time to still have room for the other....

Anyway, Julianna made a comment which I thought was so poignant and its truth brought tears to my eyes. She said. I think of Mary choosing to sit at the Saviors feet and listening to His words and think I would have chosen that. Then I think we have His words in our homes. We have the scriptures which we have been commanded to study and ponder so we can know what His message is. Often times I see them sitting there and I feel like Oh I need to do the dishes or I need to clean up this or do that instead of taking the time to sit and read and ponder. (Paraphrased but that was the gist) and I thought. Yes. I do that too. I need to make time for the best things, the quiet contemplation and study that will let me really know my Savior. I need to do better at choosing the best part.


Yvonne said...

Beautifully written. I think it's all part of the putting God first.

You have given me a lot to think about. Thank you.

Britni said...

I think this is one of the hardest things, deciding what is better and best. So many times we get focused in what must be done (cooking,work,etc), that we forget about the other things that really need to be done (reading scriptures, prayer, reflection, etc.). But the reality is that they both must be done, and we all need to learn how to balance both in our lives even if that means getting up 1/2 an hour earlier every morning. I think that's one of the hardest things to learn, and I'm not doing very well.

Chellie said...

We had that same lesson about 3 months ago or so. It was awesome. I think it is the lesson I have remembered the most.
thanks for that!

Lei said...

Wow,I feel the Spirit just reading this. I've heard "a little more Mary,a little less Martha" a time or two myself.:)

nikko said...

Wow. I do the same thing. I need to be better at that.