FHE on Monday was "wholesome family recreation" We danced and ate ice cream. John Denver, Jack Johnson and the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack were the music choices of the evening. It was fun.
After school on Monday I went with S to do a bunch of car errands. We had a fun time and got a lot done, which was good.
Tuesday Lu had preschool, I went to help in E's classroom, DH and H had karate, J had piano lessons, S had work. I also made pajama pants.

Today I had more things to do than time to do them, and felt kind of badly that I couldn't get everything done. Yesterday Mrs. Torisk asked if I could come help with 100's day, which I was very happy to do. I told her I could only stay until noon because I was going out to lunch with Joy and Tori for T's birthday. The problem was it was also playgroup (which I started and now have missed two weeks in a row). Well, I thought helping out was more important and I hope, hope, hope someone went to playgroup. 100 day was very fun. When I was done helping I had a little bit of time so I went and got my suburban registered and went to get brother a western shirt and hat for the rodeo on Friday.
Then I met J&T for lunch, we went to Ghengis Grill and had fun time. It's a fun treat for me to meet with my friends, without kids, for a lunch.
Then I picked everyone up from school , came home and made cookies, went to be the mother helper at Activity Days, came home and made dinner, DH left for work (he has the night shift for the next two weeks 7pm-7am 7 days a week, while they test the plane), got homework and reading done, sent the big girls off to Mutual, was here while our piano and mom's entertainment center got picked up by someone who bought them off Craig's List, cleaned the porch, cleaned inside...and now here I sit :)
That boy shows a decent headlock. That's my boy! Next he needs to add a couple kidney punches with the hand in back.
what are you talking about?? that's a hug and we DO NOT want him to kidney punch anyone :(
Wow!! You had a really busy day!!
Sounds like a busy day, a yummy lunch and a fun FHE!
There were three of us at playgroup -- Vilate, Jen and I.
DH told me about your DH's shift. That's really stinky, but at least he's home during the day (albeit asleep for most of it!)
We need to get M back to karate. He hasn't been since before Christmas!
What a busy life--how do you get it all done???
Love the pj pants--they are so cute.
Yep, that sounds like your life.
The pants turned out so cute. I love the cow ones.
After a busy day a quiet house for me =snooze
Going out for lunch is always fun. And...life is always CRAZY! The nightshift must be a difficult adjustment. Sorry about that!
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