At 6 people started to arrive and we ate and played games. We played a survey game where you had to find people that fit certain catagories. For example, someone who has been bungee jumping (a surprising number of people had). Someone who had been a lifegaurd (Joy, Robin and David), someone who was class valedictorian (Richard and David), someone who had a hobby (LOL! ~ like we have time) Jon did say he liked to wake board, and DH has karate and a few other people came up with stuff. One question was who had been to the most countries. Chuck has been to 15! That's a lot. Anyway you get the drift. It was fun.

After we played pictionary, boys against the girls. I was shocked but the boys won 20+ to 4. They got every single answer right. There was some rampant cheating going on but I won't point any fingers (bishop)

The food was yummy, there was a lot of laughing and I think everyone had a good time.
When we were all cleaned up and in the parking lot going home I was shocked that it wasn't even 9pm. I thought it was like 10:30.
Two more things to go on my check off list for the day.
We got home and checked e-mail (not a thing on my list) and discovered that Uncle Gale had passed away. He turned 100 on Valentines day and had lived a long and happy life so I am glad for him.
Then I prepared my lesson. One more thing on the list.
I was supposed to pick up J and friends from the Snowball at midnight.
to be continued.....
BTW, thank you Joy for all your help with dinner groups, you were soooooo fun to work with, as always!
We had a great time despite the Insane Pictionary.
Thanks for organizing it!
Wow, that sounds fun!
lots of fun thanks for all your hard work
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